In keeping with the Commission of Jesus to His Church:
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
— Matthew 28:19-20
In order to glorify God by making disciples, PAXnorth Church exists so that people will become followers of Jesus Christ. Disciples who are making disciples and by the Spirit, through the Son, are bringing others to be reconciled to God the Father.
Our Three Core Values
Followers of Jesus Christ first and foremost.The highest priority of PAXnorth shall be reaching people who live in the urban setting of Halifax, Dartmouth with the incarnated Gospel of Jesus Christ and connect them into the body of Christ. From evangelism to disciples who create disciples. From acknowledgement of God, in such a way as to live accountable lives within a church community.
God: God is primary.
Jesus Christ: Christ is central.
Authentic Spiritual Life: Is for everyday.
Disciples who are making disciples together.A significant and supporting priority of PAXnorth church shall be in the way we care for, influence and encourage spiritual growth within our church and those who come into contact with our church family. In keeping with New Testament example and principles we will strive to have all of our regular church attenders connected into relationships that exemplify the Gospel of Christ being lived out together.
Gospel: Changes everything for us.
Worship: A ‘must’ response to God’s work.
Mission: We exist to bless the world as an act of worship for the sake of the Gospel.
Followers who by the Spirit, through the Son, are bringing others to be reconciled to God the Father.The third highest priority of PAXnorth church shall be in how we live as missionaries to our culture. Churches that live out the principles of Christ-centred family life are welcome havens of hope, encouragement and transformation in our world. It is through discipleship groups that are focused on missional opportunities in our culture that we hope to become beacons of salt and light in our city.
Here: God is here, in loving pursuit of the world.
Now: The Church is called to engage culture with the gospel, not hide from it.
Expressed: Authentic spirituality in everyday life reflects the mission of Christ.
These Core Values reflect three of the primary ‘non-negotiables’ that make up the heart of who we feel God has called us to be. They define our ‘shape.’ However much of our ‘shape’ is influenced by the needs of the community in which God has placed us, and the people God calls to join us on our journey as a church body.
The shape we have is negotiable to a degree, as long as it upholds the Authority of Scripture and our Core Values of Faith, Life, and Culture.
Reproduce Churches that are Reproducing Churches
A significant and supporting priority of PAXnorth Church shall be in recruiting, assessing, identifying, and releasing new fully missional churches in our Maritime region in both rural, suburban and urban settings.